AltosCloud IDV
Intelligent Desktop Virtualization

“Simple desktop deployment and centralized terminal management.” Even with no network, it can also achieve centralized and simplified management, environment deployment.

AltosCloud IDV<br>Intelligent Desktop Virtualization

AltosCloud IDV Features

The computing is distributed on the client, upgrade the device performance, and efficiency. With Altos BrainSphere™ Servers, we can help you to achieve the data centralized management. Customers can quickly and easily implement desktop virtualization without complete infrastructure.

Easy to Deploy and Maintain

Using AltosCloud IDV server to easy deploy OS to IDV client. We also have NAS storage product to integration with IDV architecture for user to protect there Data.

AltosCloud IDV Terminal Setup and Group

You can decide the terminal type, such as persistent and non-persistent, based on safety, productivity and cost. You can also set up your own environment, create classifications, allocate users, and publish resources.

Recommended with Altos BrainSphere™ Product(Client)

After multiple tests and verifications, Altos BrainSphere™ P10 F6 can effectively implement AltosCloud IDV and save costs.

Recommended with Altos BrainSphere™ Products (Server)

We suggest choosing models with redundant power. That can help you implement AltosCloud IDV.