Take Full Advantage of Altos BrainSphere™ Servers

Altos BrainSphere™ servers are including from towers to multi-node, with Altos aiWorks solution. It can fulfill enterprise needs on different scales.

Take Full Advantage of Altos BrainSphere™ Servers

Altos BrainSphere™ Series Server Features

Support Altos Accelerator Resource Manager (AARM)

AARM can make GPU resources optimized and deployed. Besides, when multiple users share hardware resources, an individual user can still maintain an independent development environment.

Support Altos Smart Server Manager(ASSM)

With ASSM, IT can remotely manage and control the working environment and system to find the problem and solve it immediately. It is helping customers to upgrade management efficiency.


In response to the increased data and tasks, Altos BrainSphere™ servers can solve the computing load for core sales and immediately update the data center.

Higher Safety

Starting the protection from Altos BrainSphere™ server’s firmware, allowing enterprises to resist and quickly recover from malware detection and damage effectively.

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